Psychologist Svitlana Tkachuk
Psychologist Svitlana Tkachuk
Psychologist Svitlana Tkachuk
Psychologist Svitlana Tkachuk

Svitlana Tkachuk

Art therapist, Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Integrative psychotherapist + 3
  • 415 consultations
  • 3 years practices
In person, Online
Russian, Ukrainian
Nearest available time
FR 31.01
SA 01.02
SU 02.02
MO 03.02
TU 04.02
WE 05.02
TH 06.02
About the specialist
About Me
How I work
About Me
How do I help my clients?
In my therapeutic work, the foundation is gestalt therapy. However, I always take a broader view and utilize various techniques if I believe they are more beneficial for a particular individual. It is important to establish therapeutic relationships, to be present and accept the person with all their "imperfections," thereby helping them to accept and understand themselves as they are. Being aware of patterns in one's behavior and influencing them; experiencing complex emotions and freeing oneself from unbearable burdens. Acknowledging one's accomplishments and improving self-esteem. Looking at one's life from a different perspective, finding interest in it.
What results do my clients get after the first session?
You will understand why certain events happen in your life and, therefore, will be able to influence them, whether it's relationships following a certain pattern, difficulties at work, or reactions to specific events. You will receive support and unconditional acceptance. I believe that every person is unique and has the potential to live a more fulfilling life; it's just a matter of unlocking that potential. You will be able to confront complex emotions in a safe environment, gain better self-understanding, and manage your reactions effectively.
What's unique about my work with clients?
I am genuinely interested in people and it's important for me to see a positive impact from my work, helping individuals to address the challenges they come to me with. My experience is based on knowledge that I continually update; I learn, keep track of current changes, analyze, and take what I consider necessary. In my professional activity, there are various fields (IT, HR, manufacturing, etc.) that have shaped my experience in interacting with different people, providing me with a better understanding of their needs.
How I work (methods and tools)
I work with the gestalt therapy method, utilizing art techniques, CBT techniques, and other tools that may be relevant to a particular case.
Experience and education
Higher and professional education
Professional courses
Higher and professional education
Psychologist, Master's degree from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
Professional courses
Training in the field of gestalt therapy at UPU, USP Training program for gestalt therapists at the Institut Psychosoziale Forschung und Persönlichkeitsförderung e.V. Psychiatric propaedeutics "Psychological counseling and psychotherapy of parent-child relationships" "Fundamentals of child counseling and trauma therapy"
Диплом магістра Ткачук.jpg
Програма підготовки гештальт-терапевтів «Institut Psychosoziale Forschung und Persunlichkeitsforderung e.V.
"Психологічне консультування і психотерапія дитячо-батьківських стосунків"
"Основи дитячого консультування та травмотерапії"
«Діти та війна. Навчання технік зцілення»
Психіатрична пропедевтика

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