Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova
Psychologist Elena Gribcova

Elena Gribcova

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist + 3
  • 18 consultations
  • 3 years practices
English, Russian, Ukrainian
About the specialist
About Me
How I work
About Me
How do I help my clients?
- Work through professional psychological difficulties: emotional burnout, conditions and situations related to remote work, working in large multicultural companies, freelancing, uncertainty about the future, multitasking, role conflicts (career/parenthood). - Family sphere: finding personal space if all family members are at home 24/7; surviving a parental divorce or a personal marriage; being a female head of the family who provides the main income for the family; - Personal issues: moving and adapting to a new country; searching for new life meanings; the syndrome of an excellent student, impostor, perfectionism, and devaluing one's achievements.
What results do my clients get after the first session?
If you come to the consultation with a formed request that relates to a specific situation, then at the first session you will receive at least partial answers to your questions. If your problem is more complicated, concerns your deep beliefs, then the format of psychotherapy is more suitable for you, and at the first session you and I will look closely at each other so that you can feel whether you can trust me and work together on your problem, and I consider whether I can help you.
What's unique about my work with clients?
Having 13 years of experience in IT, I feel confident with people who work in this field, with freelancers, I understand their problems firsthand, which makes my work as a psychologist and psychotherapist unique.
How I work (methods and tools)
Gestalt, transactional analysis, CBT
Experience and education
Higher and professional education
Professional courses
Higher and professional education
Master's degree in Psychology at South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky. Thesis on the topic "The relationship between coping strategies and marital satisfaction". Member of the National Association of Gestalt Therapists of Ukraine, 2nd degree (in training)
Professional courses
"Stress-free parenting: developing the educational potential of parents and persons in loco parentis in times of uncertainty" (2024) "Teaching healing techniques for parents, persons in loco parentis and professionals working with children" (2024) "Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) (2024)
Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського», ступінь - магістр, спеціальність - Психологія (2021)
Член Національної асоціації гештальт-терапевтів України, з 2021 року, 2 ступінь (в навчанні)
«Батьківство без стресу: розвиток виховного потенціалу батьків та осіб, які їх замінюють, у часи невизначеності» (2024)
«Запобігання сексуальній експлуатації та сексуальної наруги (PSEA)» (2024)