Psychologist Nataliia Yurkova

Nataliia Yurkova

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist
  • 17 consultations
  • 16 years practices
English, Russian, Ukrainian
Nearest available time
SA 15.02
SU 16.02
MO 17.02
TU 18.02
WE 19.02
TH 20.02
FR 21.02
About the specialist
About Me
How I work
About Me
How do I help my clients?
I am a psychologist with many years of work experience. Hundreds of clients throughout Ukraine and beyond. Thanks to working with me, my clients overcome panic attacks, save their families, ecologically survive divorce, find new love, and start earning from their talents with ease. I work effectively with the topic of relationships, finances, self-realization, self-esteem. Practical psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist, psychology teacher at the university.
What results do my clients get after the first session?
My clients feel calmer already after the first session, they get an understanding of the causes of anxiety and the direction in which to move to solve them.
What's unique about my work with clients?
My principle of work is based on empathy, support, understanding of your needs. I am always on your side, even when it seems that the whole world is against you.
How I work (methods and tools)
I work with relationships, family relationships, relationships with partners, relationships with parents, relationships with friends, colleagues, creative fulfillment, finances, family conflicts, self-esteem.
Experience and education
Higher and professional education
Professional courses
Higher and professional education
Professional courses
Курс гештальт терапії
Позитивна психотерапія
Позитивна психотерапія 2
Диплом про вищу освіту з відзнакою
Супровід батьків
Робота з МАК

A special offer just for us

Package 2+1

3th consultation with 20% discount

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Package 5+1

6th consultation with 50% discount

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Package 9+1

10th consultation is free

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